• Role:
Vision Makers
  • Client:
Al Oula for Development
  • Consultant:
Architecture Studio
  • TDC:
300 million USD
  • Site Area:
225,000 sqm

  • Status:
On Hold

Project Overview

Vision development, conception and preliminary development studies of a state-of-the-art, modern iconic mosque in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Project is destined to provide a new milestone in mosque architecture in the Arab and Muslim world. The architectural language builds on the simplicity and the power of the form. The landmark contextual identity demarcates a cultural and religious center for the city of Makkah parallel to that of the Holy Mosque of Makkah.

The symbolism of the gateway overwhelms the center of the main access to the central area of Makkah and contains one Bus Rapid Transit station towards the Haram. The technical innovation represents structural marvels with the largest religious dome and the highest minarets in the world.